Sage is an herb known to cleans and clear yourself and your space (items) of negative energy and entities. Instructions and prayers come with this item. California sage is known to be one of the best herbs/sages to use when purifying you or your space. Should be used on self first before cleansing others, pets or your spaces to protect you from being jumped by negative forces during your clearing process. Pieces can also be broken off and used as a tea to help cleans from the inside out, also many claim it litterally cleanses the air from impurities and toxins. Comes with instructions and a suggested prayer. We sometimes have Dragon's Blood Coated Bundles, please request or ask if we have in stock!
Sage Smudge Bundle 4-5" California type
California sage smudge bundles approx. 4"-6" long. We consider these Med smudge bundle size.